Tuesday, November 28, 2006


hello people, what is happening. Things have been going pretty good lately, with lots of new excitement. My friend Marie pushed a couple of Korean guys down some stairs, HAHAHA. Brian Urlacher would have been proud of her tackling ability. Who knew that Maakoli(Korean wine) was such good "Tacklin' Fuel". I celebrated Thanksgiving with the Neighbors. No seriously, with the Neighbors(Nate and Courtney) not the neighbors. lol. Courtney cooked some wonderful food and Nathan even made some delicious cheesy broccoli rice. I think that is what he called it. Has anybody seen this Meercat Manor on Animal Planet. It is great. You gotta try to check it out at least once. Many people here are getting ready to leave or have just left, so it will be interesting to see who moves in. If you are interested, let me know, and I will tell others that you might be looking for a job.
I have included a few Halloween pics. Group is just friends from here(Ty, Marie, Nate, Courtney, Kate, Myself.) I was Cupid, Nate was an Ajuma(old Korean lady), and Courtney was Marilyn Monroe. The other pic, I am not sure, just me and Nathan messing arou
nd with the camera


At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see an update, was even better to have talked to you on Thanksgiving Day. Glad you had some kind of celebration. You will have to expand on Nathan's broccoli rice by adding cooked diced chicken, shrimp would be yummy stirred into it. Is this some kind of a break? since you said it will be interesting to see who moves in.

Keep us more informed on what is going on!


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