Saturday, March 22, 2008

The great poo-headed cartoon character.

Ahhhh, the wonder of Korean cartoons. I remember first seeing this little fella my first year here. He is a classic character that is for sure. My brother almost wrecked the car when I told him the story about this guy while coming home from the airport. Can you guess what that is on his head? A fancy asian type of hat??? Ice cream??? hmmmm.............well, if you don't know, then just read the title of this blog. If you need to, read it again to make sure that is correct. hehehehehee. The kids and parents BOTH like this cartoon. hahahaha. This is the GREAT DONG CHIMEE!!!! To translate that for you......poo injection, hence my fingers in that shape. Also, they LOVE to take their fingers and poke each other in the uhhhh, rear, ADULTS included. For some reason Dong is not spelled the normal way. It is spelled ddong, I would assume because Dong is a popular name here, so they don't want any confusion. Anytime a student here says the word ddong, refering to poo, he/she will 99.9% of the time spell it out for you "ddong" and then start laughing.


At 10:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I want that bag! Ha ha! I laughed the entire time reading this! :)


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